At the Cross, Part 1

Msgr. Reilly leads a Prayer Vigil in Chicago. He also gives a presentation on the Helpers spirituality. The purpose of the Helpers is not primarily about saving the physical life of the child, but it's about conversion, and the salvation of the souls of the mothers, abortionists, their staff, and all involved. The culture of death is so sweeping that legislation cannot stop it. Population control is an international conspiracy. The mentality of the culture of death is beyond the help of humans. Msgr. urges all not to be upset about the darkness, but to bring light into the darkness. "In order for this darkness to be overcome, you and I have to be the light!" We must go to the Calvary at the same mindset as John and Mary at the foot of the Cross. It is the risen Christ who is present at the modern-day Calvary, in the mystical body of His Church. "You (God), and you alone can overcome death, and error, and darkness, with your light, your life, and your love. Use me as your instrument!" When we go to Calvary, we should remove all spiritual baggages, signs of confrontation and condemnation, we are there in absolute love, to be Christ to them, in meekness and gentlenss. The power of God takes over. Msgr. also stresses the importance of post-abortion counseling. He said the greatest place for evangelization is at the Calvary -- the abortion clinics. The Helpers hands out 10,000 Rosaries anually at abortion clinics. To overcome the culture of death, Jesus Christ is the only ultimate answer. "He is the Gospel of Life! He is Life! He is alive in you, and me!".

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